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Cesta de Cha Boa Tarde
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suco de fruta - 200 ml achocolatado nescau - 200 ml sachês de chá - 2 pcs sachês de açucar - 1 pcs pães de leite - 1 pcs mussarela - 1 pcs presunto - 1 pcs croissant - 1 pcs pães de queijo - 1 pcs fatia de bolo - 1 pcs pão doce - 1 pcs biscoitinho de goiaba - 1 pcs torrada bauducco - 1 pcs biscoitos club social - 2 pcs cookie bauducco - 1 pcs bolinho bauducco - 1 pcs chocolates (sonho de valsa ou ouro branco) - 1 pcs *brinde: uma caneca.* - 1 pcs
- Width - 15 cm
- Height - 30 cm
Buyer protection
If the actual item doesn't match the listed composition, you can return it or get a refund.
Cancellation rules
You can cancel the order before delivery for free, the money will be fully refunded to you.
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